Made my first bike commute today! And I escaped completely unscathed, if you ignore the part where I ran into the curb trying to get onto the sidewalk and fell over. Or the part where I was walking my bike back from the mailbox and slipped on the grass and fell off the edge of the parking lot. I don't think that one counts though, because I probably would have fallen over whether or not my bike was there. I mean, I currently have bandages or healing injuries on six different parts of my body - both my feet where I got rubbed raw spots from trying to hike through the desert to a volcano in slide sandals (not my idea, I promise you), my thumb where I burned myself on a cookie sheet and then somehow sliced myself open washing the blade of the food processor, and now my skinned knees. It has not been the most successful month for my body-having skills, is the point here.
But anyway my ability to not fall on my face aside, the bike commute was pretty painless - I was worried about being able to get my bike on and off the bus rack, but the frame of my new bike is very light (one of the reasons I bought, the others being that it had a crossbar and seat low enough I could actually get on and off without using a curb to balance, and that it was blue), and it wasn't any trouble at all. Even if the first time I put it in backward, and the second time I got glared at by the bus driver for not putting the rack back up when I got off. Mostly, it was just really nice to have time again. I didn't have to worry about being late for work if I stopped for a thirty-second breather, I didn't feel like I had to rush as much as I could to make sure I made my bus on time, I just set my own pace and had plenty of time to spare. That extra five minutes to comb my hair and put myself together before my shift starts feels like such a luxury right now.
Can't wait until this weekend, honestly. I am thinking of scoping out the bike routes around my apartment complex, certainly biking to the grocery store. If I can convince myself that Sunday is a wearing-pants day, I might even bike over to the public library.
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