No coherence for this entry, I'm afraid, work this week has killed my brain. Not necessarily in a bad way, just...omg, so tired.
I talked to an actualfax client for the first time today, which was pretty terrifying. I'm still not remotely ready for customer service type calls (hell, I still only know the names of half our products, and we haven't even done call structure training yet!), but my manager has started letting me and the other new hire start processing copy (off a limited list of things that are either very hands-off or very low-pressure), and one of the editorial rules we have is that you can't change things on your own. Some clients have an ed-note that our staff can make minor changes, but for the most part, we call and confirm everything. So today I got to call a woman at the Mobile Congress in Spain and tell her she had accidentally a comma and completely bollocksed up her hyperlinks. Most exciting job ever, y/y?
Seriously, though, I'm just glad I'm finally getting to be useful, and not just sitting around all day watching webinars and being bored out of my skull. And my manager said she thought I did great on the phone and she was really happy with how much I was stepping up and trying to do more, so that was great.
I'm going to start apartment hunting this weekend, I think. Not, like, actually talking to anyone or anything, just going into town with my mom and my cousin to start trying to narrow down the area I want to look at, and maybe scope out some buildings to see if we can find anything likely looking (ie something in a non-sketchy area close to a grocery store and within reasonable busing distance of my job). It's difficult to make myself want to move out - I get along with my dad pretty well, and it's been nice staying with him. I like having someone to buy the groceries and pay the bills and fix broken things and give me a ride when I need to be somewhere. I might consider staying, if he didn't live so far out of town. But as much as I like this arrangement I'm still sick of feeling so isolated, not being able to get anywhere interesting on my own, and not being able to have my own social life. So apartment hunting it is.
I've started a second play-through of Dragon Age, this time with a female dwarf commoner rogue. She is bitter and jaded and sticky-fingered and angry at everyone all the time and I LOVE HER SO FUCKING MUCH I DON'T EVEN. It is tough though because I realized pretty quickly that she wouldn't be able to stand Alistair - she just has no patience for someone that guilelessly dim. But I...I can't bring myself to say mean things to Alistair, I just can't. I tried, once, just for keeping in character's sake, but his face made me so sad I reloaded and undid an hour's worth of gameplay just to take it back. I'm weak, okay?
I also got Awakening last week, and ported my elf warden over to play that. So far it's pretty fun, even though I miss Zevran (and in general the ability to romance anyone. Or talk to my party. The dialogue options are my favorite part of the game!). But...Anders. Aaaaaaaanders. Why do I like him so much, he is so obnoxious! And he hates me! And his feathery coat is so stupid-looking! And yet...Aaaaaaaanders.
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