Armor, an Object Lesson

Feb 16, 2012 22:49

Just for the record, our GM takes an unwholesome amount of glee in making me suffer.

This evening we were on Mars, driving our buggy back from the abandoned research station we had to break into, when a dust storm blew up around us, our systems all went dead, and we got attacked by MOTHERFUCKING HEAT-BREATHING CYBERNETIC WOLVES ARE YOU KIDDING ME. So the three of us (C, not being here this week, was unconscious in the back seat of the buggy) decided to pile out and start shooting and that...did not go well. L ended up taking so much damage she was knocked out, A was wandering around shocking things with her eel gloves (including me!) but she couldn't actually do that much damage, and me...for some reason I couldn't hit the broad side of the barn.

And I'm basically the tank character (in conception as well as in stats), so all this time that I'm shooting and rolling too high to hit anything I just keep getting piled on by wolves. One especially persistent little bastard was gnawing on my leg for like eight turns. But none of them could actually do any damage! I have the highest armor rating of anyone in the game (and a bunch of extras like fireproofing and acid-proofing and stuff), so most of the time I didn't get hurt at all, and I didn't get wounded the entire fight. I was just sitting there, under a heap of wolves, perfectly fine. Our GM started cackling every time he rolled for the wolves, he was so determined to see me actually take a hit, and then he was so disappointed when it still didn't do anything.

Eventually one of the wolves exploded, because why not? It completely vaporized all of the other wolves - about fucking time - and I was right in the middle of the blast range. And I still barely got scratched! AND THAT IS WHY YOU SHELL OUT FOR DECENT ARMOR FOLKS.

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