I'm still alive, I promise. Just been massively busy with various RL things this week, including cooking most of a Thanksgiving dinner for eight, doing all my Christmas shopping, meeting up with the lovely
hanjuuluver and her boyfriend for an afternoon of laughing at fashion and eating donuts, and helping my mom negotiate some major neighbor and boyfriend drama and figure out how to use her new laptop. And I've been working on my YT assignment of course. I finished my canon review earlier in the week, and I now have a working outline which has already made the minimum required wordcount. This is going to be ridiculous, I swear.
My other project this week has been converting
telyanofcelore to the cult of David Eddings. Mostly by spamming her with bits of ridiculous dialogue and stories about Ce'Nedra stealing the Imperial Legions of Tolnedra and Ehlana forcing the election of the pope until she had no choice but to read the Elenium with me. Which, okay, will never have quite the affectionate hold on me that the Belgariad does, since those were the books that got me out of reading children's/YA fantasy and into the adult stacks when I was 13 and thus were hugely formative for my adolescence as a geek. But it's hard not to love a series where the plot stops in the middle for half a book so they characters can deal with the papal election. WHICH ENDS IN A SIEGE. SO AWESOME.
Anyway, being us we have many opinions on these books, on everything from the plots (boring and predictable, but deliberately so) to Ehlana (awesome, or Most Awesome?) to Tynian and Ulath (SO MARRIED and should have their own sitcom). Most of all, we somehow keep ending up discussing the sex life of Sir Bevier, The Perpetually Awkward Virgin.
telyanofcelore: It's not safe to be a Pandion and chaste.
masterofmidgets: it presents a challenge to evil-minded people
telyanofcelore: Bevier has an axe to dissuade said evil-minded people
telyanofcelore: Also there was That Night Of Which We Never Speak
telyanofcelore: but everyone knows about it
telyanofcelore: it was very quietly broadcast to dissuade the evil people.
telyanofcelore: not at all because it was funny
telyanofcelore: nor because the church knights as a whole have a deep curiosity about Bevier's sex noises
masterofmidgets: I can't decide if Bevier is secretly a screamer
masterofmidgets: or if he's so DOOM AND SHAME that he shoves a hand into his mouth as soon as he gets going so he won't have to admit he's getting off on it
telyanofcelore: he's not a screamer
telyanofcelore: he /whimpers/
telyanofcelore: it's very embarrassing
telyanofcelore: (Ulath and Tynian think it's adorable)
masterofmidgets: he's really...fast, too
masterofmidgets: mostly because he represses so hard that by the time he finally gets his trousers down he's about boiling over
masterofmidgets: Ulath and Tynian make jokes about it
masterofmidgets: like, it's not a sin if you don't make it past the two minute mark!
Oh, Bevier. We love the boy, we really do. It's just so fun to imagine unfortunate things happening to him.
Well, now that I'm all caught up, time to watch Thor and wait to see if we get snowed in tonight.