If my life were a video game, I totally would have leveled up my cooking skill today. Or unlocked a new cooking-related limit break. Kitchen Knife Omnislash! Frying Pan Ace! (I bet there is a character in the Final Fantasy universe who is really, really bitter that all of his limit breaks occur in the kitchen, making him totally useless for saving the world purposes). Not only did I make two recipes that I've never tried before - for potato gnocchi and balsamic-glazed pork chops - but I proved capable of cooking two different sauces and a vegetable side all at the same time. I didn't even set anything on fire! I actually haven't set the smoke alarms off in over a week, I'm very proud of myself. Especially since the garlic-parsley brown butter sauce was delicious.
I'm kind of glad that all I have to do tomorrow is make tacos though. Time for a filler episode!
Gaming group continues to be awesome. Since the GM is still getting everything ready for our cyberpunk campaign, this week we did a living room mini-LARP where the six of us were quarantined together in a nanovirus-infected space shuttle. I got to wear a fish hat! And we had a four-way Mexican stand-off that ended when I knocked the bad guys out with a sonic alarm clock. Very fun. And I think next time we might start actually playing - so I need to think up a reason why my mercenary is on a scumbarge heading to Mars.
So proud of all of my football boys right now. The thought of the North London Derby this weekend is a bit terrifying - ignoring that we need the points rather badly, I don't want to think about what kind of blow a loss would be to Arsenal's rather shaky self-esteem right now. But they are coming off of two well-earned wins, the mid-field and the front is getting stronger and more cohesive, hopefully most of our broken players will be back...idk, I think they've got a decent shot at it. I'm trying to think optimistically. Barcelona at least is a balm to my poor, Arsenal-beleaguered heart. I will never get sick of Cesc getting all handsy with Messi. Or David Villa making angry-yet-soulful faces. Or Pep Guardiola's, you know, general existence.
Also, it is good to see my favorite Zlatan back and
putting the moves on his
Milan teammates. Never change, dear.
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