Not all bad, for a Monday! Granted, a bit of a rough start, since Apartment Roomie did not bother to tell me the electrical outlet in the kitchen was broken, which I only found out when I tried to make breakfast and my toast failed to be toast in any appreciable way. Great start to the morning, really. Apparently in addition to being The Person Who Cleans I am now The Person Who Gets Things Fixed, since she didn't bother to put in a repair claim either. Ah, well.
But! I also met with my Stegner Fellow for the first time this afternoon, and she is interesting and awesome and full of good ideas. And oh god, I have a story draft due in two weeks. So much writing to do. So much research about obscure New Mexican culture. So many calls to my mother for fact-checking. Exciting, in a terrifying sort of way. At the very least, I have a general idea of what I want to get out of this project, and what stories I want to tell, so I have somewhere to start.
Also, this conversation happened. Because I was reading de-aging fic (shut up), and sending
colourofsaying bits of lines about baby!John playing with Sherlock's fingers and baby!Sherlock totally being a biter and a hair-puller and a shiny-things-grabber and, well, where else was this going to go?
mastermidgets: god, Mycroft hated him SO MUCH
mastermidgets: I mean, he had not been sold on the idea of a little brother in the first place - why does he need a tiny inferior clone? - but. Shrieking and grabbing and drool all over his science equipment, WHAT
colourofsaying: And his hair is such a mess
colourofsaying: From the minute he was born he was all tangly
mastermidgets: and of course he screams when anyone tries to comb it
colourofsaying: And it's just like 'what is this horrible thing?'
colourofsaying: And Mummy is all 'oh, you were much the same, darling. Perhaps worse. So /finicky/. At least Sherlock doesn't begin screaming when he makes a little mess, does he, Sherlock?'
mastermidgets: And Sherlock looks as smug as a baby not in full control of his eye muscles can look
colourofsaying: Which... is pretty damn smug in Sherlock's case
colourofsaying: Mycroft goes stomping off to his Little Scientists lab table.
colourofsayingr: Naturally, it is very well augmented.
colourofsaying: And Sherlock, as soon as he learns to crawl, hauls himself after and babbles at his feet and when Mycroft doesn't pick him up he bites Mycroft's toes.
colourofsaying: Which is one of the many reasons Mycroft began to wear shoes all the time, except in bed.
colourofsaying: And even then he tends to wear socks.
mastermidgets: and, you know, he still maintains that all the times Sherlock spit up on him were entirely intentional and planned
colourofsaying: which might actually be true
colourofsaying: And he secretly dotes on Sherlock and has a little case file on him.
colourofsaying: Which is like a baby book only a bit creepy.
mastermidgets: he totally puts hits out on the other children who pick on him
mastermidgets: tiny primary school hitmen
colourofsaying: And fetches him from school and dusts him off when he gets dirty and fusses over him when he rips his clothes and when he finds 'experiments' in tiny!Sherlock's pockets and scolds him when he fails to do his homework.
mastermidgets: none of which Sherlock appreciates, or even seems to be aware of
masterofmidgets: but, you know, little brothers, what can you do?
colourofsaying: He seems to resent it, generally speaking.
mastermidgets: he doesn't like fussing
colourofsaying: Especially when Mycroft plops him in the bath and scrubs out his skinned knees.
mastermidgets: or Mycroft tousling his hair
colourofsaying: Mycroft doesn't /tousle/
colourofsaying: Mycroft /combs/
colourofsaying: Vehemently.
mastermidgets: while Sherlock tries to bite him
mastermidgets: he...never really grows out of that
(This is true. John has taken to keeping a bat around for when Mycroft comes to the flat, because inevitably he ends up having to pry Sherlock off him. He really does not get how this family works at all.)
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