Hey, I'm in Sacramento! I didn't even have to take the train this year. My uncle is doing some contract work for UC Santa Cruz this year, which involves him staying up there for two or three days a week, so he picked me up on his way back and we drove up to Sacramento together. Fun, especially since I don't get to spend that much time with him (I'm closer to my aunt now because we have a lot of interests in common, but we were really close when I was little and used to stay with them in the summer, and I missed that).
Tomorrow I shall be getting up early to go shopping. Cue the ominous string section! At least we're going before Thanksgiving, and not after - not even for my aunt would I brave Black Friday crowds at a department store. But she's really into the idea of getting me set up with a professional wardrobe - clothes that are cute and fit my (extremely low-key) style, but still look businesslike and put-together - for my job-hunting and presumably near-future job-having. She has good taste and isn't as pushy as my other aunt, so this will probably go all right. And I could really use more business clothes than I have, so. To the mall it is!
I have my Yuletide assignment, and omg I am so excited about it. It was definitely not the prompt I was expecting to get, but I think it was the prompt I was secretly hoping to get. I can't wait until I have time to actually start writing on it. In the meantime, I am doing lots of research. And by research, I mean listening to depressing folk music on Youtube. Because nothing says Christmas like alcoholism and scary snake women.
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