Bleargh, I still have the plague. I am...not as much feeling better as getting to the place where I can still the possibility of better on the distant horizon. Maybe tomorrow I will start to feel like a human being again. I even begged off the commitment of working for my grandma tomorrow - even if I am feeling better I don't think I'll be up to doing that much, and my uncle would probably just try to quarantine me anyway so I don't breathe around Tiny Cousin. Whatever. I shall continue to lay about and play with my cookbook software instead.
Since I don't have the wherewithal for real content, here's a meme
colourofsaying tagged me with.
♔ If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
♔ Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
(Not tagging anyone, because that's too much work. Blah.)
1. What song are you currently addicted to?
Jonathan Coulton's The Princess Who Saved Herself. And Shawn Hlookoff's She Could Be You. ...shut up. I marathoned Kyle XY last week and it's a really addicting melody after awhile.
2. What books are you currently reading?
I've been working this summer on reading/rereading ever book Tamora Pierce has ever written. Right now I'm on The Woman Who Rides Like A Man and Bloodhound. I've never read the Beka Cooper books; I like them a lot more than I was anticipating, given that I'm not overly enamoured of first person. But it's good! I'm also reading TA Barron's Lost Years of Merlin series and McKillip's In The Forests of Serre. Non-fiction wise, I'm reading Francesca de Grandis' Goddess Initiation, very slowly.
3. What was the last movie you saw?
Iron Man 2 at the dollar theater on Sunday with my mom and the boyfriend. Still as fun as the first time. RDJ remains painfully hot in little hoodies and elbow sleeves. Before that, Despicable Me, which was precious
4. Anise or cinnamon?
Anise and cinnamon together! Mmmm, bizcochitos.
5. Cats or dogs?
Both! I just love animals, and we've always had both. But I don't think I'm responsible enough for a dog, so I'll probably be a cat person while I'm single.
6. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
You may have noticed, but I cannot stop talking about Doctor Who. Aaaaah, I love Eleven SO MUCH. The new Sherlock series on BBC is impressing me with how quick the fandom's taken off, given we only got three episodes. Wonderful porn, but it needs more h/c. I'm also horrendously addicted right now to a Korean drama called Life is Beautiful - it's about a huge extended family that runs a hotel/diving tours on Jeju Island. There are approximately 11 million main characters and I am massively invested in all of them. But especially the serious oldest son, who is a) incredibly gorgeous and b) has the show's main dramatic arc, which is about the family trying to marry him off while he tries to keep them from finding out that he is gay and in a relationship with his photographer friend. I keep meaning to do an epic picspam post about how Tae Sub/Kyung Soo is the greatest thing ever and you should all watch this, but I haven't gotten around to it.
7. What's your favorite character/band member/actor etc?
Not sure I have one...I don't tend to notice actors or singers much. But I do love David Tennant and John Barrowman. And Sandra Oh. And Vienna Teng!
8. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
I either sprawl across the entire bed, or end up jammed in the corner closest the wall in a little curled up ball. I am an action sleeper.
9. What was the last thing you bought?
shampoo and leave-in conditioner at the health food store.
10. Would you rather date a good singer, or a good cook?
A good singer. I like people to be impressed with my cooking. And I can't sing at all, so I'm always really in awe of people who can keep in tune and have it sound good.
11. If you could only listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life who would it be?
Dar Williams, maybe. Heather Alexander. Seanan Mcguire. Any of my favorite female singers who have written a lot of songs, so I wouldn't get bored of the same songs over and over.
12. What do you do to change your mood?
I bake. Or watch mindless, fun television where nothing permanently bad happens. Or meditate, if I'm really upset and need to recollect.
13. What was the last meal you ate?
Leftover taquitas. I can't usually eat when I'm sick, so I've just been picking at whatever's in the fridge.
14. Do you want to learn another language?
I would like to re-learn Chinese, since I don't really remember any of it. And I'd like to learn Russian. And Welsh, although that will never happen.
15. Five things you can't live without.
books, the internet, my bed, my family, music
16. Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
"Chuang-tze, a classic writer on the Way of the Dao, tells of the life of a chef."
17. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
Right this second? Back to bed. The more general now? I would really like to visit London. I've never been to Europe, and that seems a good (and interesting!) place to start.
18. What are you looking forward to?
getting back to California and seeing my Stanford friends. Setting up house-keeping (and decorating with ridiculous posters!) in my new apartment. The Genre Fiction class I'm taking. :)
19. What is playing out of your speakers, right now?
Futurama clips. I've got too much of a headache still to focus on music, but dialogue is easier for some reason. And Futurama doesn't take a lot of work to enjoy.
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