Don't have anything of even the vaguest relevance to say, so here's the "Post Your Desktop!" meme for you.
A few things of note:
My desktop is never this organized. But I had to make a little window for Kirk to look through last week when I changed to this background, so I cleared out a bunch of random files and pictures and stuff while I was at it.
I just installed Skype tonight so I can talk to
colourofsaying while she's in Japan. My username is mirrormasque9.
Yes, I have a lot of Sims stuff, I know. I've been playing it a fuckton this summer, and I'm trying to get my custom content organized.
The reason I have a screencap of my iTunes saved on my desktop is because at a certain point I had 6.66 GB of music and I was unduly amused by the idea of having Satan's playlist.