I took 8 painkiller pills yesterday. I fucking hate being a woman.
I just realised that the last time I posted a HP fic was on July 10, and it's a crappy ficlet. Whoops. Err, whatever. Anyway, have some recs.
Disclaimer: Selection method is highly subjective. Dean and Sirius suggest to blank your mind and read the whole lot because I say so.
ATTENTION: Skyehawke account holders and/or mods? There're some complaints at the forum about no responding to account request over there. My objective (*snort*) view on the sample fics posted there is questionable, with my upset womb and all. So.
And Spammers. Lots of them.
All of these are one-shots.
Born Every Minute by
apetslifeSam closes his eyes and tries not to imagine what Dean's going to do, tries--God!--not to picture it, and sets himself to research their latest monster. If Dean's going to go peddle his pretty smile and prettier body for gas money, the least Sam can do is have some good information for him when he gets back.
ghost song by
wheebubblesTall, thin, dirty. He peers in the window and says, I killed a man last night. Look, this. This is his blood. He holds out his hands. Look, he says, look.
There Is A Better World by
kaiyote (You have to join the comm to read)
There's complete silence, like a moment before the world changes for good (for worse) and yet the only thing he can hear is the drip, drip, drip of his blood running off of him.
Adventages by
wildestranger (James/Remus)
And the thing is, the worse thing is that James can't stop thinking about it. The taste of mince-pies on Remus' tongue, and although James doesn't like mince-pies he had gone in search of it, needing to be sure that it was there, needing to get rid of it by sucking it out.
Uncorrected Proofs by
sioniann (Harry/Sirius)
"Harry," Sirius says, each time they pass on the staircase or brush shoulders in the kitchen. It's affirmation and necessity, jarring Sirius back into reality.
House of Leaves by
switchknife (Harry/Sirius)
The whispering of leaves surrounds them--a whispering like that of ghosts, like that of the Veil--and it isn't until Ron wakes him up, just outside the Shrieking Shack with Harry's wand in his hands, that Harry remembers it wasn't real, that Padfoot wasn't here, never will be. *BROKEN LINK
untitled by
fleshdress (James/Regulus)
Maybe it's disappointment on James's face, maybe betrayal. Maybe it's both. Regulus knows he'll never understand. Such a straightforward man, what you see is what you get and everything's black and white. Regulus knows he'll never understand.