Dec 14, 2010 14:47
It annoys me when people stated their dislike about a manga, and got told by others to stop reading, because "don't like, don't read". That is actually generally good policy, but when you start saying that it's wrong to share opinions on things one doesn't like because one shouldn't be reading it in the first place; that's where the double standard came into action.
By saying that sharing opinions about things one dislikes is wrong, don't you think you are being contrary to your preach? You are reading the opinions you don't like, and decided to do something about it.
If you truly believed in your preach, stop reading such opposing opinions and let it go. And if you MUST do something about it, do it in your own place.
And don't get me start on the "free speech" craps, it might get ugly...
Edit to fixed typos and such
i dun do metas,