Wa|k in Dream!

Apr 20, 2008 14:21

Guyz. I'm typing thiz uzing a broken keyboard_ A few keyz are mizzing_ :p

Anyway, I'm pozting becauze of thiz webzite_ Eeeeeee! I haven't vizited "Wa|k in Dream"'z webzite for ZUCH a |ong time that I forgot how tota||y GORGEOUZ her art can be! Gah!

Zcro|| down a bit and you wi|| zee zome rea||y, rea||y PRETTEH "|ord of the ringz" doujinhi_ Norma||y, I DON'T |ike Aragorn/|ego|az, but I'|| have to make ekceptionz for thiz_

I have a hard copy of thiz dou, but the "fu||" verzion iz even more awezome!

Thiz makez me wanna draw! Haven't drawn with penci| for zo |ong that I a|mozt forget how good it fee|

Havta go draw zomething now :D


my fandom is full of awesome, squee!!!one!, fandom: other

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