well not much to update but here is another pic i have done.
--recent pics--
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/26309887/http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/26309580/http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/26309302/this is a carton style of a sene from a dream i had. i found myself ina strange room and he was standing on a shelf next to a mirow. there was only one light on and it pointed towards the mirror. he wore one gold ring on one arm and another siver ring on the other. the time piece he wore as a belt was somewhat simular to the one i usually wear. he asked me to take his hand and he would show me a world outside of time and worry. as i took his had i heard myself say its time for us to wake up. i awoke and the wild confusion wich bore my mind every day like it did every day prior to this was gone my mind had settled and was no longer in eratic confusion. it has been a few days now and thoughts are clearer and make sence. the room was lit up no more covered in darkness. it feels great to know everything in ur mind is not only calm but also now makes more sence than it did prior.