Title: Secretly At Night
anyothergirl415Words: ~2,200
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 - HS AU, religious themes, rimming
Summary: Being with Jared went against all the things he knew, the world he was brought up in and the life his family expected him to live.
Notes: Written for
salt_burn_porn where
mistyzeo tagged me with into the woods. Thanks for
mutedbyfear for the quick beta!
On AO3 (
Secretly At Night )
That was soooo hot!!!It's really a thing when they have something forbbiden,how Jensen can't help to be with Jared even when all his life they tell him that was wrong.
I like the end,how Jensen seems to accept who he is and what he likes.
And the rimming *dead*
Thanks a lot,i love it :)
So glad you enjoyed this! Thank you!
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