Donate to a good cause and get some fic!!

Mar 12, 2011 19:32

If you haven’t heard about the new project of Misha Collins and Matt Cohen please check out the links at the bottom of this post.

The story is: “In June 2011, Misha Collins, Matt Cohen and the team from Random Acts (Misha Collins's charity organization) will take a group of 40 lucky people to Jacmel, Haiti to help build a refuge for some of Haiti’s hungry and homeless children.”

The first 40 people to raise $5000 in donations will be able to join this group and participate. (They pay for their own transportation etc)

Brie and I are supporting our friend Jennifer in her goal to be one of those 40 people. We’ve met her; she’s an amazing person, generous, spirited and active! She’ll be a perfect addition to the team. She’s a Supernatural fan and LJ user and we’re betting she’ll do some posting while she’s there!

What we are going to do - is open up a “type” of fic sale.

Here’s the deal.

You make a donation to Jennifer’s page on “Hope for Haiti” and leave us a comment now with your name and the amount. As soon as we confirm the donation - we will write you fanfic of YOUR choosing - and you will get 1000 words for every $5 you donate.

Most of you know what pairings we will write. How much input you get will depend on how many words we’re writing. (Ie. Can’t really write a case!fic in 1000 words) We will do our best to write what you want!

It’s the spirit of giving we’re after! Brie and I aren’t in a position ourselves to donate to the cause and help to send Jennifer but we CAN do this!

Char and Brie's Fic Journal

Jennifer's Journal

Page to donate money to Jennifer’s team - go here to donate and buy your fic!

What will we write? Pretty much anything except non-con. All ideas are negotiable ;) We reserve the right to cap this project if it gets too overwhelming but we WILL provide fic to all who donate!

If you have any questions for Jennifer, Char or Brie, please feel free to comment or email us at

Please comment here after you've donated!!
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