Title: A Single Word - Chapter Two
Pairing: Future JongKey. Possibly others too.
Rating: PG-13 for now
Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse.
Summary: The night a strange new person enters his life, everything changes for Key.
Word Count: 1,511
Notes: Because the first chapter, and this one too, are kind of short, I decided to go ahead and post chapter 2. The next one won't be out until Monday, so look forward to it then! I hope you all enjoy! :)
Spot For:
hurryupthecakes :D Always feel free to ask me for a spot on a fic if you'd like one ^_^
01 Despite the offer for food, the boy refused to move from his corner, so Key's mother ended up eating in the room with him. Key joined his father in the kitchen because he had no interest in watching his mother feed the confused boy. Besides, he seemed to like his mother more. About fifteen minutes later, she came back with a plate only a quarter eaten.
"He wouldn't take anymore than this. I think he was afraid for some reason."
"Maybe he's afraid you'll be mad if he eats too much. It's hard to know what all happens to a kid when he's been locked up by a sick man for so long." Key frowned at his dad's words, his stomach doing that nasty twisting again. He did not want to think about it. He did not want to think about it!
"Honey," his mother said a little sternly, looking towards Key pointedly. Key tried to keep his face straight despite how he felt. He didn't want to be treated like a baby. His dad looked at him with a frown for a moment before shrugging.
"He's sixteen, practically a man now. He can handle it. He knows bad things happen in the world, right Key?"
Key could only nod and look at the rest of his food with disdain. He didn't know whether to be pleased or disappointed at his father thinking he could handle it. Eventually his mother started cleaning the dishes and he sat around in the living room, kind of pissed that he would have to stay out there another night. His parents had been trying to clean out the spare room for the boy, but there was a lot of junk in there and then they didn't even know how easy it was going to be to get him to change rooms. They were determined not to use force on him unless absolutely necessary.
As he sat on the couch, flipping through stations, curiosity slowly got the better of him, and Key moved to creep as quietly as possible back towards his room. He peeked around the door, his eyes widening when he saw the corner was empty. Then he saw the boy, hovering over his desk, looking at his things. He watched as the boy's hand reached out to pick up a picture Key had taken with his friends, Onew and Minho, only a month or so back.
Before he realized what was happening, his hand slid against the door, making it squeak as it moved slightly. The boy jumped, dropping the picture. The frame broke as it hit the floor and Key looked down at the thin metal with wide eyes. Suddenly the boy was dropping to his knees, picking it up hurriedly and trying to put it back together. He was frantic looking, and Key felt bad for him. The metal slipped and cut his finger, making him gasp, but he didn't stop trying to fix it. Before he'd even thought about it, Key was walking over quickly. His hand closed over the other boy's and pulled it away from the frame. He froze in front of Key, becoming completely still as he stared up at him. Key could see into his deep brown eyes, and he felt his stomach twist again, but it wasn't quite as much in a sick way. There was so much pity he felt for this poor person.
"Omo," he said in frustration. "You're just going to mess it up more. It's okay. I'll fix it. Now," he said slowly, reaching over to his desk for a napkin, "let me help you with this." Pressing the tissue against the cut, Key moved his eyes back to the boy who was staring at their hands like they were aliens or something. "It's okay," Key repeated, starting to feel the first tendrils of shock that the boy hadn't pulled away from him.
There was a gasp behind him, and they both looked up to see his mother. "I'll get a bandage," she said before rushing off. Key could have sworn he saw a small smile through the hair, but he wasn't completely sure.
It was Monday before they got him to come out of the room, and he'd arrived on Friday. Key knew it was only because his dad had left for work. It was obvious that the boy didn’t trust the older man. His mother had taken the day off, not wanting to leave them alone yet. Key was on vacation, and hanging out with his friends wasn't an option right now, neither was inviting them over. Well, he didn't really want them here with what was going on anyway, but he did still talk to them on the phone Sunday night, if only to let them know he was alive.
Key was given the task of showing him how to work the shower. "I don't know how you haven't soiled yourself yet," Key said, looking at him skeptically. The boy didn't respond, so Key shrugged and turned back to the shower. "From now on, you can use the bathroom whenever you need to. The toilet, the sink, and the shower are all okay. I have my products put up so no need to worry about getting into something you shouldn't. Now, this is hot and this is cold," he said, touching each of the nozzles in turn. He was glad to see the boy's attention following his movements. He really didn't want to have to help him shower. “There's a clean pair of clothes for you on the counter, and the towels and wash cloths are right here in the cabinet." Key opened it to show him. "You need to use the shampoo and body wash for sure. I would recommend using the conditioner too, maybe even twice. Your hair is really knotted and dirty. Make sure you wash all the dirt out before you use the conditioner though. And, wash your hair and then your body so you don't wash the dirt from your hair onto your clean body. Any questions?" after receiving a slow headshake from the boy, Key nodded and left the bathroom. "I'll be in the living room if you need anything," he added as he pulled the door shut, hoping the boy would be okay.
Key's mother was the one to meet him when he came out of the bathroom, and after about ten minutes of talking and repeated nods on his part, she took him to the kitchen to cut his hair. Key moved to sit at the table, via her request, and started reading a magazine. While she was cutting, Key looked up and thought about how slow and gentle she was being, not wanting to scare the poor thing with scissors so close to him. Key could see how stiff he was sitting and his mom imitated the way he had his eyes squeezed shut behind his back, pouting her lip as if she thought he was pathetic and cute. Key pouted back at her mockingly. He wasn't really sure if treating the boy like a hurt puppy was going to help anything. The boy's back was to Key so he didn't really see anything until she was done. She had insisted he not look, so he would get the full affect after his shower, new clothes, and haircut. Like there was going to be something special about him.
Now, Key's mother could cut hair. Key always let her do his because she was fabulous and she knew he wanted to look good. When she coughed slightly to get his attention, Key looked up and almost felt surprised. He still looked small, but from the back he actually looked somewhat normal. Key motioned for her to turn him around so he could see. "Okay, prepare to be amazed," she said with a bravado that almost made Key roll his eyes. Honestly, he wasn't a pet project or anything.
She smiled before motioning for the boy to stand. He did so and she swept some of the hair off. Key sighed as he waited, resting his cheek on his palm. After she was done, he slowly started to turn without her direction. As Key's eyes landed on the boy's clean, unmasked face, he felt his eyes widen. Lifting his head, Key looked at him properly. He was absolutely adorable. Sure, his cheeks weren't as full as they should have been, and his body was too thin, but his eyes were big and brown, shaped in a way that was cute and pretty. His lips looked pouty and sweet. His jaw line was masculine, but not too much so. Key pressed his lips together and stood to move closer. He ran his hand through the new set of bangs and smiled. "It looks good."
He wouldn't admit that the way the boy's eyes widened slightly and his mouth twitched with the tiny hint of a smile made his stomach flutter. Honestly, he did kind of look like a puppy, a lost one.
Chapter Three