Title: A Single Word - Chapter Eleven
Pairing: JongKey/Keyhyun.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst, bullying, mentions of abuse.
Summary: The night a strange new person enters his life, everything changes for Key.
Word Count: 2,751
Notes: Yay. An update! So, there's a lot in this chapter. Dun dun dun. The next chapter's going to be pretty intense, so I
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I am starting to oddly love the stuttle theme of communication that is running in this. Very few people communicate, or have issues communicating in this story. Key didn't tell Minho what exactly had happened to Jonghyun, and in someways it isn't Key's place to tell his friends what happened to Jonghyun, and while it is obvious there are things that Key could have told Minho to understand that Jonghyun isn't just some strange kid, he has serious issues and there are reasons that aren't for Kibum to necessarily tell. Jonghyun on the other hand, is terrified of communcating. Everytime he did he would be beaten. so as a defence he's learned not to talk. That out burst with the woman in the house likely saved his life and got him discovered (I'm guessing). Still, that beating isn't anything good.
And wow, Jonghyun must be 20 here then no? If its six years starting at 14. It can't be easy, and Jonghyun even to begin is just so out of touch with the world being locked away for so long... Sigh, the poor boys. However I am glad that everyone that can is out looking for Jonghyun, Onew without a doubt would, but Minho too. He has a lot of making up to do for his actions.
I am surprised at just where Jonghyun showed up. I didn't really expect his old house, even managing to find it but if that playground was close he may have just started there. I'm really curious to see if anyone is actually home. Child abuse is a serious thing, and maybe almost suicidal if that boyfriend is still around awaiting trial and Jonghyun is the cause of court problems. Things could go two ways: Someone is home and takes everything out on Jonghyun or two - no one is there but Jonghyun wanders and maybe Key finds him? I hope he does... even if he should be at home.... or maybe Jonghyun wanders his own way home.
Either way, I look forward to what is next!!! Much love and hugs! (sorry its not longer, I'm at a con and should probably get ready and check out of the room...)
Oh yes. Communication is definitely an issue in this fic. You know, problems with communication is so prevalent, even in the most basic situations. It's so sad how people can have so many problems with just trying to communicate with one another. How do we say this? How do we get other people to understand us or where we're coming from? How do we help each other? It's definitely something that is an issue here, with Jjong not being able to communicate even to the point of most people. He's still so introverted.
Oh no...fourteen wasn't when he got there. It was just when things started getting worse there. His real age will actually be revealed later on. Minho does have a lot of making up to do, if he can ^.^
Yes. Well, there is a reason for him being there. We will see soon enough :) Thank you for the wonderful comment! *hugs* <3
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