Living Where I Choose

Apr 21, 2004 08:58

Crossposted from Theatrical Muse

I hate Coruscant.

Yes, Master Yoda, I know - fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering - repeat that one more time and Master Gallia will find out who ordered all of her underwear dyed green.

Coruscant is a world converted into one giant city - the entire surface of the planet is tamed, paved, and developed. Even its seas are covered in humanity, anchored to the seabed or submerged beneath the surface. Our climate is controlled. Most of the natural wildlife is either extinct or mutated to deal with the artificial environment.

For a Jedi as attuned to the Living Force as I am, this place is an abomination. The Force screams at us here, trying to make us listen and repent of what we have inflicted upon this hapless world. But most of us can tune it out, learn not to hear it. When I was younger, I could do this. But as I have aged, and grown in power and practice, it has become more and more difficult. I can safely say I have some of the toughest mental shields in the Order, just from my daily attempts to screen out the noise. I am always first in line for an off-world assignment for this very reason.

Assuming that I survive my service to the Jedi, I want to retire somewhere where there is still open space, natural vegetation, wild animals, open sky. I don’t have to be alone - people are part of the Living Force, too. A small temple, perhaps devoted to healing, would be nice.

Muse: Qui-Gon Jinn
Fandom: Star Wars:TPM
Word Count: 262
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