Is it time to drop LJ? Probably was a long time ago. Regardless, I'm trying something different for when I feel the need to put something on the internet.
And no, it's not a Twitter. LJ's been behind the times for years now, but this (somewhat) recent change that only shows 1 or 2 entries on my friends page? Man, that would be the absolute last straw...if I still had a bunch of friends here who posted semi-regularly. Maybe I do? I wouldn't know!
Is Tumblr a better option? We'll see; I think I'll miss real comments, but I don't really post so much to warrant a real blog these days. Still, I like the fact that it allows you to put in a decent amount of text when you actually do have something to say.
If you happen to see this within the 36 hours it appears on your LJ friends page, come join me!