Birthdays and friends

Jul 31, 2009 18:15

So, today is my birthday.

I'm officially 23 now, and before commenting on how old i feel now not at all I want to spend a few words on something that's important for me.

I must say, of all the things that happened to me throughout my life, I'm grateful for all my friends, who've always been there for me, through bad and good times. Since knowing them, they made my life better and funnier, and brighter.

Some of my friends are special in a way that makes them able to understand me, and their support is what has helped me through when i felt down, who listened to my rantings without care (even when they didn't share the same passions), who I hoped to see every day, whom I can always count on.

Being a theoretically year older makes me just ask for one thing, and that is, to keep having all my friends at my side until I'm old and droopy.

Thanks to all of you, and you just know who you are.

Everyday speeches, or speeches that come every now and then, quick check ups and long discussions, of everything and anything and nothing at all, open ears for my problems, open mouths to talk with, open minds to accept and open eyes to notice.

This all has been my treasure. Thank you all.

Most of all, thanks to re-chan, and ecchan, and agni and nacchan, and karin, and robin, thanks to kammyh and yume-chan and vale and kuroi and may-chan, because you've all being my anchor and my wall and my warm blanket and hot teas and cuddles and love.

On a side note, this morning I accompanied my mother to the hospital. She had been told her eyes might have a problem, and that she might get blind given five to ten years, and I've been really depressed about this. My mom was the one who taught me to love reading, and her own love for reading is astounding -she's a slow-paced reader, but a ravenous one still... it would pain her greatly, and it would pain me, too, to see her eyes giving up.

Yesterday, before going to sleep, I stated my wish for my birthday. Even if there wasn't much hope, i still wished for my mom to get out of this eye problem. If not her hands (which are a problem per se...), at least her eyes, because they're important and more than anything, i want her to have at least a small, bit dot of brightness left, since she's never happy.

I wished it hard, and this morning we went to the hospital and the doctor here, not the same one who told us her eyes will deteriorate, told her not to worry, because that wouldn't happen.

Maybe it's not just a kind of birthday miracle, but my wish got granted and i was so happy it felt off. i mean, i'm not used for my wishes to come true, and until this morning, both me and mom thought there wasn't any hope to begin with...

I feel the strange need to thank someone, but there isn't really someone to thank, or the need to thank someone. i didn't ask for a miracle, and my life isn't changed and i didn't see a light and i'm not suddenly a believer. nothing changed inside me at all, but still, i felt off anyway.

isn't it just... strange? but i feel happy and grateful and i thik it might be enough.

on less heavy-connected things, i received one of the most beautiful gifts ever in the form of a drabble written for me. i'm so giddy i might die.


i leave this post with a *cuddle* for the whole world. except berlusconi and the pope, they can go die.

this day was quiet and normal and yet it's been the best birthday I've had in a long while. Yes, the one i spent in japan included, because this year i've got my friends closer.

birthday, friends

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