*snerg* Sorry the subject title can be blamed on
unclephil2k I figured I should type up some thoughts on the book beyond my intial rant. Rather then make myself feel like I'm doing a book report I'm going to ramble on about certain subjects at a time. First off the canon couples...spoilers obviously.
Draco/Pansy: Well it's offically canon now and it's...oddly cute. It's not in your face and is quite frankly completely ignorable. Nevertheless it's cute. I approve.
Harry/Ginny: Despite the fact I support this couple and really honestly deep down like it...I was kinda disappointed. It was just too obvious. I guess it was the Harry/Luna, Ginny/Neville shippers in me that kinda mumbled snorted at this. Harry struggling over his feelings was dang adorable though and I liked how they hooked up. I, in the end, completely approved...but of course that didn't matter cause Rowling went all Whedon on us...dammit.
Bill/Fleur: I spent the entire book not caring in the slightest, though I felt kinda bad for Fleur...I mean honestly she isn't that bad. The end though where she stands by Bill despite his scarred appearence:
"All these scars show is zat my husband is brave!"
clinced it for me. You rock Fleur. I look forward to the wedding.
Tonks/Lupin: Okay, it's not quite canon but whatever. I really tried to like this. I don't dislike it, I just...don't especailly care. I'd like it to happy for no other reason then Lupin deserves happiness, even for a short while.
Ron/Lavender, Ginny/Dean: Poor Lavender. Poor Dean. Maybe they should date each other.
Ron/Hermione: It's not canon. It's not non-canon. It's just really FUCKING ANNOYING! You must understand, it takes alot to turn me off a couple. I still like Harry/Cho for pities sake and that ship didn't just sink, it damn blew up. These two are completely mental. They don't need to snog/date/shag to get it over with, they need to stay the fuck out of each other's love life that's what they need to do. They're petty, vindinctive, co-dependent, immature to the point of absurdity. Yeah, they're 16. So is Harry and he didn't act half as bad as them with Ginny. Yeah he had his jealous moments but he never tried to make Ginny jealous and I don't think Ginny was really trying to do that either. The couple started as cute but now it's just skipping off to the land of creepy. I actually had a moment where I considered supporting Harry/Hermione. It would be a healthier couple.