Есть ли справедливое возмездие за смерть 6-ти миллионов евреев? Кажется Европа начала понимать, что находится в процессе его получения... Себастьян Вилар Родригес.
"Я шел по улице в Барселоне и вдруг открыл для себя ужасную истину: Европа умерла в Аушвице. Мы убили шесть миллионов евреев и заменили их на двадцать миллионовмусульман. В Аушвице мы
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but it must have had a natural _BIOLOGICAL_ explanation. I am sure of that. That is something about fear, domination, subjugation, and (not the least) political motivations of The Nation State.
The former is relatively clear, an immediate threat of physical violence from muslims is in any sense a stronger motivation than any so called "conspiracy" or (more realistically) financial "schemes" forced upon europe by (allegedly jewish owned) banks. (this allegation comes solely but clearly from "quo prodest"). Anyways, whatever it is, even though sensibly detrimental to the society and multiplied by decades of demonization propaganda, it is rendered irrelevant by the physical violence -- no question -- threat of violence has HARDWIRED priority in living minds. It must be processed and reacted upon before even reasoning comes to the scene. That's how we evolved. Period.
But the latter requires some in depth scrutiny... Deep beyond my wording mastery.
let's say briefly, The State (as represented by the statesmen) is motivated to "extremize" public discourse: the more extreme bullshit public motions -- the further they are from the truth.
Well, I skipped one step here: The State is primarily (and the priority itself is an interesting topic too) motivated to hide all and any truth, always, from everybody -- the manipulation of the public discourse simply follows, and it constitutes just another variant of "divide and conquer" (here we came very close to the nature of the state: "conquer your own people", fuck! it is offtopic!)
Speaking of the Holocaust in this light, it is no difference whether you forbid the discussion for a nominally "pro-jewish" pretext, or the exact opposite -- the outcome is the same: discussion is forbidden, the truth is buried safely -- pretexts does not matter, claim whatever the situation dictates.
Как то осторожно спросил у одного молодого "защитника основ Холакоста" - сколько проживало иудеев в Европе на 1939 год? Он долго мычал, потом назвал цифру 20 млн. Ему казалось, что она "реалистична" - других аргументов не было! Ему так кажется...
na samom dele etot ochenj prostoj vopros uzhe sxodu vyzyvajet pristup isteriki. do voprosa o transportnyx razxodax i provizii konvoirov delo ne doxodilo. samyje stojkije lomalisj na voprose o procedure udalenija tel iz gazovyx kamer.
da! gaz eto samyj interesnyj istochnik voprosov.
proizvesti jego otnositeljno neslozhno, i stoitj budet nedorogo,
no kogda delo doxodit to primenennija, nachinajucca realjnyje problemy OCHENJ REALJNYJE. on zhe gaz! prichom toksichnyj!
a ni oxrana lagerja ni palachii umiratj ne xotjat i dazhe po logike avtorov xalakosta ne dolzhny.
a gaz on zhe suka "v pasport ne smotrit" :)
i vot kogda teoretik xalokosta dodumajecca kak sdelatj gazovuju kameru kotoraja ubivajet toljko vnutri a ne vsjo chto vokrug -- heizbezhno on sozdajot germetichnuju konstrukciju kotoraja mozhet upravljatj gazovym sostavov vnutri kamery.
kazalosj by nu i chto?
a to chto jesli u vas jestj takaja konstrukcija to vam ne nuzhen "gaz". jesli cheloveka zakrytj i kislorod ubratj, on umirajet bez vsjakogo volshebnogo "gaza".
tojestj vsja legenda o gaze rushica momemntaljno, ni zavody gazovyje ne nuzhny ni "zloveschije cisterny gaza"...
i eto my dazhe ne nachinali govoritj o cene voprosa,
nu i da "pokazhite mne kak eti gazovyje kamery VYGLJADELI" tozhe vazhnyj moment, no do nego delo ne doxodit kak pravilo
Bластные элитарии -- ХОЗЯЭВА СВОИХ СЛОВ -- захотел дал захотел взял обратно.
a vot vse eti personazhi ot kotoryx vy na polnom serioze trebujete vypolnenija dannyx imi obechanij, bez bumazhek zhivut xorosho, potomu chto oni sami eti bumazhki pechatajut.
v obratnuju storonu ne rabotajet.
takchto ne nado.
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