Hey, you got Tommy! He's hot in an older, experienced way, and he has all the right moves, especially if you have a weakness for boy band choreography. Your friends and family might think you've lost your mind at first, but you see past the tabloid headlines. He's a hardworking music producer... who just happens to be dreamy.
Great Dancer is the top of my must-haves list for obvious reasons.
Whooping Cranes are total romantics. When they come of age they find a mate, take him/her bird dancing, fall in bird love, have a bird baby, and stay together for the rest of their entire lives. As they grow old together, they share responsibility for the wee baby crane, learn each other's strengths and weaknesses, and get to know each other better and better. And yet they still stay coupled up, year in and year out. In good times and in bad. In sickness and in health. For richer or for poorer. Awww.
I hope he's a good dancer.