my day in a nutshell

Jun 19, 2006 22:31

Me: omg
Me: today
Me: was horrible
Derek: awwww
Me: first, i had to count every piece of make up in the back
Me: after organizing it
Me: then
Me: the freezer was mAking loud noises, so i had to call and talk to the fix help line people
Me: no help
Me: the pharmacist paged a manager to call the pharmacy
Me: so i did
Me: and she said..
Me: that there was a lot of smoke coming from the freezers
Me: and i looked up
Me: and hellz yes there was
Me: so she asked, should i call the fire dept or will you?
Me: so i took responsibilty
Derek: jeez rough day
Me: and i said, "hi this is megan from the cvs in merrimack and i think our freezer is on fire"
Me: so they connected me
Me: and it was a freon leak
Derek: /kisses
Me: im not done complaining dear
Me: :_P
Derek: haha
Me: and they cleared that all up
Derek: ok continue
Me: and customers complained the whole time, saying they needed their prescriptions
Me: so rude, our store is on FIRE
Derek: lol
Derek: very
Me: and the fire marshal dude found like 25 code violations and was like, i can shut this place down now
Me: and im like, super
Me: so we have to fix them all before noon tomorrow, and work on inventory
Me: and
Me: i had to shove all the food that was in that freezer into the ice cream freezer
Me: which especially sucked cuz we just got an ice cream shipment today
Derek: awwwwwww
Me: and then i had to damage out all the crap
Derek: /rub rub
Me: and the cometic lady is coming tomorrow, and i didnt have time to clean up the AISLE
Me: and ugh

Me: OH
Me: and i couldnt set the alarm, it was giving me gay excuses like the doors were open or something
Me: and i was like LET ME LEAVE
Derek: awwww
Derek: today I had to remove the 20+ boxes that were in the wiers for bike week
Me: well
Me: at least you didnt almost lose your job
Derek: true
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