maybe i should be an english major haha

Jul 28, 2008 16:24

vocab from my summer reading book. i'm always looking to expand my vocabulary =]

  • harangue: address someone loudly and forcefully; to criticize or question somebody, or try to persuade somebody to do something in a forceful, angry way
  • daguerreotype: an early photograph produced on a silver-coated plate developed in mercury vapor
  • ebullient: lively and enthusiastic, full of cheerful excitement or enthusiasm; boiling or bubbling vigorously
  • oeuvre: art of work or literature or such works considered as a unit, especially the complete work of a single artist
  • inculcate: impress on somebody's mind; to fix something firmly in someone's mind through forceful repetition
  • copse: grove of trees
  • laconic: using very few words
  • desultory: aimlessly passing from one thing to another; happening in a random, disorganized, unmethodical way
  • scrim: theatrical curtain opaque to audience when lit from in front but transparent when lit from behind
  • swath: path made by mowing machine
  • perfunctory: done routinely as a matter of duty or custom, without thought, attention, or genuine feeling; done hastily or superficially
  • trollop: a term that deliberately insults prostitutes or promiscuous women, or a woman as having untidy habits
  • egregious: flagrant, conspicuously bad or offensive
  • coalesce: to merge or unite things into a single group
  • opiate: (as a transitive verb) to dull or deaden pain, anguish, or some other unwanted condition
  • ostensible: seeming to be true or genuine, but open to doubt; presented as being true, or appearing to be true, but usually hiding a different motive or meaning
  • perquisite: same as a perk; a tip that is customary on some occasions; something considered to be an exclusive right
  • palliative: soothing anxieties or other intense emotions; alleviating pain and symptoms without treating the cause
  • accoutrement: accessory associated with a specific task or role; a piece of military equipment carried by soldiers in addition to standard uniform and weapons
  • aplomb: (noun) confident poise; confidence, skill, and poise, especially in difficult or challenging circumstances
  • milieu: surroundings or environment somebody lives in and is influenced by
  • perennial: a plant lasting more than two growing seasons; constantly recurring or enduring, or lasting for an indefinite time
  • anoxia (anoxic): same as hypoxia meaning, an inadequacy in the oxygen reaching the body's tissues
  • foramina (plural of foramen): a natural opening or cavity in a human or animal body, usually one through which blood vessels and nerves pass through bone
  • recalcitrant: resisting authority; difficult to deal with, or as a noun- stubborn opponent
  • megalomania: greed for power; a psychiatric disorder in which the patient experiences delusions of great power and importance
  • dilapidated: in disrepair;' partly ruined or decayed, especially as a result of neglect
  • burgeoning: growing quickly or rapidly
  • remunerative: (adj) paying or rewarding someone with money
  • gulag: political prison in former USSR where political enemies were sent; prison for dissenters
  • oblast: subdivision of former soviet union
  • peripatetic: traveling from place to place, especially working in several establishments and traveling between them
  • incipient: beginning to develop
  • pugnacious: quarrelsome, inclined to fight or be aggressive
  • erudite: (adj) very knowledgeable through study
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