
Sep 21, 2009 00:36

I find myself in the middle of the night scouring the internet for D-rings, now don't get me wrong thirty-one cents is not that bad for D-rings but a jump from .06 to .31 just sucks.  Why should the 3/4" be so much cheaper than the 1"?  1" is a standard size, so it confuses me that the more mainstream sizing should be so much more expensive.

Oh well, at least I found a really great deal on Spiral steel boning.   At you can purchase Spiral steel boning by the pound rather than the yard.    The upshot of which is I bought approximately 100 yards of spiral steel boning for 36.00, I am incredibly pleased with the price and only hope that the quality of the boning coupled with the shipping and payment processing will prove this investment to be convenient, simple, and cost-effective.

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