Dec 25, 2011 19:15
This was by far one of the best Yule/Chirstmases ever. We decorated the apt and our new tree. We did go overboard on the presents, but that is to be expected for a first Christmas. We both could have got each other lumps of coal and switches and still loved each present. Our timing was set back a day since I had to work Christmas eve. I introduced her to one of my traditions I got from my ex, we had steak and shrimp cocktail with all the trimmings for Christmas eve dinner. We drank hot chocolate and watched Christmas specials together and just enjoyed each other's presence. She sets on the floor by my chair normally and lay her head on my lap as I stroke her hair. Oh, can't forget kitteh who made out like a bandit (yeah, I spoil her too). To sum it all up, I am a very blessed man and am very happy and content.
So Happy Yule and Merry Christmas, may your holidays be filled with love.