Santa Christ?

Dec 04, 2010 12:40

Today, I'd like to talk about one of our beloved myths.  Santa Claus.
  • He can see everything, everywhere.  He knows what you are thinking.  If you've been bad or good.
  • Christmas is his favorite day
  • He can make any wish come true, all you have to do is ask him.  There is nothing outside his power.
  • He only wants you to be good and rewards you when you are.  Your wishes are given to you when you do what is deemed 'good'.
Now there are various reasons that we stop believing in SC when we get to the age of reason.  One important one is discussion.  Yet, just because the neighbor kid tells you Santa doesn't exist should not give you enough to shake your eternal belief.  More evidence is needed.  Or logic.  Perhaps you will ask a parent.  (They never lie to further their best interests!)  Your doubt grows when you think of a few things:
  • How does he visit every house in the world in one night?  Does he travel at the speed of light with reindeer?
  • Where does he get his money to pay the elves?
  • How does he get in my house if I don't have a chimney?
We learn to use Occam's Razor and find a simpler explanation for the presents that show up under our tree in the morning.  Like Sherlock Holmes, you find that when you strip away the impossible, whatever remains must be the truth.  That damn kid was right!

So let's tweak some of these failed assumptions and see what we end up with. 
  • Scrap the sleigh and let Kris Kringle go anywhere at any time.  Even through walls.  It's really what he wants anyway.
  • Father Christmas doesn't need money.  Or elves.  He creates all his stuff by himself.  
Who does this start to sound like?  We've changed only a few small things.  Why is it that we are so ready to discredit the Man in the Red Suit, yet still believe without question the Big Man in the Sky?  Is it possible there are better explanations for the things that we credit God with?


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