The Earth Begins To Rumble

Apr 06, 2007 12:52

Attach the radionic stream to the stem of the conscious mind and shift to the subconscious and plant in the superconscious. Rational urge is feutal and an absence of reason starts to abandon this vehicle. The sky is layering over red and red again as white lightning pulsates throughout the sky. I am planted here at this time in unstandable anquish seeing things that should not be seen. I grip my sword in agonizing delight and grind my teeth in a most inhuman way as I ponder the ferocity that descends from the northern hemisphere of my mind and now externalizes from me to disseminate upon this rustic atmosphere. The eyes dialate to an inky dense black and reason and complexity starts to get out of can be a good thing to happen and for others too. This bottled up feeling disseminates and then dissapates in an array of everlasting feeling as the trembling gets stronger. A wind starts to trigger and a chill following close by starts to echo throughout me and time passes again through the march.
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