The Word

Nov 22, 2005 18:15

I've finally started writing my story. Though I'm not even through with the prologue yet I'm still very excited. Still, knowing what I'm going to be writing and finding the right words are two very different things.

I managed to write another five page essay last night, this one for my history class. I merged strong liberal and strong conservative views into one paper, used a dash of BS, and called it a night. I really have no idea what kind of grade I'm going to get on this one. I think I made some very valid points, but after proof-reading it even I was a little confused about where I stood.

I have registered for my Spring classes, and this time around I am only going to have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm actually going to have three whole days in the week to myself. Of course, I'm taking 16 credits as opposed to this semester's 12, and I suspect that much more of my time will need to be dedicated to studies.

I am going to see Narnia when it comes out. My parents read me those books when I was a baby so of course I'm going to go see the movie. At the same time I cannot forget that Disney is the producer. I fear for what they will do to the Christian themes. I understand that not everyone will enjoy the Christian analogy, but Lewis never made any apologies for what was at the heart of his Narnia Chronicles. So the way I figure it, Disney needs to show the man enough respect to respect his books and the themes he portrayed in them.

I leave for home tomorrow. Thanksgiving is almost here. Turkeys everywhere are making sacrifices of corn and millet on hidden altars of pagan devising in secret alcoves guarded from the unholy touch of the man-creatures. Even now the heathen turkey priests are dancing in a drug induced trance, their ceremonial masks woven of corn silk into the image of Uthaglukluk, the Great-Turkey-in-Sky, and gobbling in an unintelligible babble that is in turn interpreted by the acolytes into prophecy. These priests are the ones who send forth the prayers of their followers to the heavens, that one day prophecy will be fullfilled. For it is said that before the coming of the Promised Age the gods of the Turkeys and of the Geese and all the lesser fowl will end their warring and unite with the gods of pigs and cows to smite the evil ones, the man-creatures, from the earth.

The fools know nothing of me, of the one who appears in no prophecy but the mad rantings of the fallen monk, the murderer and sorcerer Narshish imhn Malhaad, he who named me the Eater-of-Meat. I wield the tongs of power, Hathweln, and the three fires of the barbeque, Tuzzuth, Moronor, and Fathid-Qr bow to me alone. The sacred carving knife, Bloodthirster and the infamous fork known as Thurelaq-kataz-mordngarn are both bound to my will alone. I will rain death upon the turkeys, and they will wail to the empty sky and gnash their beaks and tear out their feathers, but I will have no mercy. I will bring them slaughter, and it will be delicious.
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