Title: Valentine's Day
Pairing: Roy/Ed
Author: master_of_yaoi
Rating: PG-13, but other chapters might be NC-17
Warnings: None for this chapter
Spoilers: None. Unless you have never seen FMA. But then why would you be here?
Author’s Note: Well, I sincerely don’t know HOW I got the idea for this, but I did. So, I decided to write it out. ~^^~ Yep, started it RIGHT after school.
February was just beginning. Many girls loved February. They could give cards and other things to boys (though the boys would throw it all away) and girls can get things from secret admirers, setting the mood peacefully.
Yes, it seemed everyone loved February. Of course, that is, for Edward Elric. It was a sissy month where girls went all freakish and blushed at every word you said. It was despicable. And February was the shortest month, but it went by the slowest. It always made Edward want to bang his head against the wall. So, basically, he hated February.
Now, Roy Mustang, on the other hand, was a bachelor, and has no trouble getting girls. He can talk to a girl for just a while (besides people like Riza Hawkeye) and sweep them off their feet. Roy Mustang was a guy for the girls. And when he got two girls at him, well, he just got more thoughts into his head. And we all feel bad for poor Jean Havoc, for every time he falls in love or tries to get a girl, guess who comes along?
Yep, that’s right, Roy Mustang. Well, any ways, lets start this story when Edward Elric was walking to give his report to Roy Mustang.
“Brother, what’s wrong?” Alphonse questioned, even though he secretly knew the answer. Edward was mumbling while glaring at the poor, innocent report.
“I hate giving my report to Mustang! He always has new ways to make me angry! And then he’s like, ‘Ed, I can court martial’. Blah blah blah is all that comes out of that bastard’s mouth!” Edward yelled. Al sighed. Alphonse dreamed of the day that Edward would realize how much of help Roy was and respect him, at least just a little bit.
Edward knocked loudly on the Colonel’s door. And as everyone knew, just to wake Mustang up from a deep sleep on papers.
“Come in,” a tired, familiar voice said. Edward slammed the door open and walked in. He looked at Alphonse.
“You coming?” Ed asked.
“I’ll pass,” Alphonse said. He wasn’t in the mood to watch the two fight. It’d be really funny if those two ended up together. Course, that would never happen, because Ed hates the Colonel, and the Colonel is always after girls, Alphonse thought in his head. He walked out into the hall, closing the door behind him. Edward shrugged.
“Here you go,” Edward said, slamming the long report on Roy’s desk and sitting on the couch. Roy picked up the horribly long report and looked at the first sentence. He sighed and set it back down and looked at Ed, waiting.
“Well, go ahead FullMetal, tell us how you found some maniac alchemist,” Roy said. Edward sighed. He knew Roy would know what he did at the town. Roy read everyone like a book.
“Well, yeah, he was a maniac. He wants some other alchemist to sacrifice to bring back some wife. I’d say the wife was crazy too. Well, she should be for marrying the guy,” Edward said, “and I think this guy is going to cause us a lot of trouble.”
“Trouble? If he gets near headquarters, we all know he’ll end up in rehab,” Roy said calmly. Edward shook his head and sighed. Well, they talked about the mission for a long time, then finally it had ended. When Ed looked at the clock, he saw it had changed from 2:00 to 3:30.
“I ought to be going and leaving you to your business. Trying to use me to get away from your paperwork, for at least an hour and a half,” Ed said, pretending to be disappointed in him. He stood up and crossed his arms like a mother. Roy sighed and scratched his head as Ed walked out of the office.
Roy was walking back to his house after work. It was late and the snow was like a hurricane. Course, winter meant staying inside in front of the fireplace, drinking tea.
And Roy thought he heard a yell, but then shrugged and walked on. He got to his house, but before he could walk up the steps, he felt a small body collapse into him.
He looked down to see Ed on the ground, shivering and holding onto his red coat tight. He had fear in his eyes and even the stupidest being could read him like a book. Something terrible had happened, and would probably scar him for life.
“FullMetal? What are you doing?” Roy said. Edward stood up and sneezed. He closed his eyes and stood up straight, trying to hide his fear and shaking.
“N-Nothing, S-Sir,” Ed said. And that’s when Roy knew something was wrong. Edward would NEVER call Roy “sir”.
“Edward, just come in and get warm,” Roy said. No one could leave him out in the cold like that. And if you knew Edward, you wouldn’t.
Because he had never seen Edward so terrified in his whole entire life.