Title: Follow Orders
Author: master_of_yaoi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: RoyxEd
Summary: Always follow orders from higher ranks, no matter how crazy they are.
Here's another drabble for ya. My first RoyEd drabble. Wow. Its crazy. Well, here ya go. I had fun writing the thing. Actually, it might be more of a short story, but whatever.
"FullMetal, take off your pants," an order struck Edward as Roy locked the office door. Edward glared.
"Take off my pants?! Why the hell--" But he was cut off by lips pressing his. Roy pulled back and smiled.
"You must always follow orders, Edward," Roy said. Edward whined. He knew he'd get court martialed if he didn't. He stood up, holding back blush, and took off his pants, only his boxers on his lower body.
"Thats my boy," Roy said, pulling Ed to him. He smirked as Ed relaxed. He pushed Ed onto the couch and kissed him deeply.
"Mmmmf," Edward yelled. But it only came out as blah blah blah to Roy's lips.
Roy slowly took off Ed's boxers without him knowing.
Roy took out a tube of lube from his pocket, he had been saving it. He took off his gloves and set them aside, and put the liquid on his fingers.
He smiled as he inserted finger after finger slowly, and soon enough, he had entered Ed. Edward was sitting there, first crying of pain, and then moaning in pleasure.
A few hours later, Roy stood up and Edward put his boxers and pants back on. He sighed and looked at Roy.
"Next time, your following my orders."