Title: Mercy Please
Prompt: 002. Temptation
Character: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 268
Rating: G
Warnings None, you naughty person, you.
Disclaimer George Lucas owns Star Wars. Lucas is King. If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back.
Summary: Many things can tempt a Jedi. This is one of them...
Author's Notes: Inspired, in part, by Alice Cooper's song, "You're My Temptation". I think that's all you really need to know.
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She had been following him around for the last twenty minutes. Obi-Wan had tried to discourage it, but it wasn't happening. Finally, he had to stop and turn to her. He gave her a kindly smile and tok a deep breath. "Listen, I don't know what you're expecting from me, but I can assure you I won't be able to..." he trailed off as the watery gaze pierced his own, so sorrow filled, so loving.
The young Jedi closed his own eyes for a moment with a sigh, before once more fixing his gaze on her. "There's nothing I can give you. You must accept this. I am not allowed to make commitments, nor am I...oh bother, please don't..." he said with a tiny groan as the perfectly formed lips quivered, those intent eyes still staring at him.
"Don't look at me like that...seriously, don't...listen, the one you want to turn that look on is right over there, his name is Qui-Gon and he would be pleased as punch to...don't look at me like that..."
The tiny little face canted to one side as it watched the young man speak. Those perfect lips continued to quiver and those watery eyes continued to stare. Finally, a single word emerged from the trembling lips, which caused the young Jedi to bury his face in his hands and shake his head. A single word which, when repeated, had the young man sweeping her into his arms and carrying her away to love.
A single word, which meant a million things to a million people, in a plaintive and needy voice: "Mew!"