Title: Birthday Woes
Prompt: Birthday
Character: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 406
Rating: G
Warnings Unpolished story ahead! Reader beware!
Disclaimer George Lucas owns Star Wars. Lucas is King. If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back.
Summary: Obi-wan has come to dread birthdays...
Author's Notes: If you haven't read the Jedi Apprentice series, you may not get the reference. I assure you Ciaran Will Be Silenced if he has issues with this fic.
...I hate the voices in my head.
x-posted to
Obi-Wan sat in bed, covers to his waist, knees pulled to his chest, arms resting on his knees and his chin resting on his arms.
He did not want to get up today.
It was his birthday and he was dreading the inevitable moment when Qui-Gon would give him his present. The young Padawan was convinced that someone along the way had forgot to clue Qui-Gon in on proper gifts for these occasions. Honestly, who took a fifteen-year-old to the local pub on Nar Shaddaa? Who gave a fourteen-year-old boy a book on the mating rituals of exotic beasts? And, who, exactly, gave a thirteen-year-old boy a rock?!
Qui-Gon Jinn.
Yes, Obi-Wan was determined to stay in bed today, if only to avoid his Master's twisted sense of gift-giving. He did not want to know what a sixteen-year-old would be bestowed with. Of course, this train of thought was interrupted by his comlink. With a dejected sigh, he picked it up. After all, what if it was someone other than his Master, and it was important?
"Padawan!" Oh hell... "Can you come down to the great hall? It's urgent."
"Um...is everything okay, Master? What's-"
"No time now, Obi-Wan. Please hurry!"
Obi-Wan glared at the dead comlink as his heart did a tiny leap. Maybe Qui-Gon had forgotten? No, that was a little too wishful thinking. Qui-Gon had remembered and it was merely delayed until this current crisis had been dealt with. I suppose the Force is trying to tell me to get my lazy butt out of bed and just get it out of the way, he thought, grumpy.
It took him no time at all to dress and walk down to the great hall, where he stopped in his tracks. His jaw dropped, his eyes bugged and he was absolutely speechless. Every Padawan in his age-group, all his friends, the teachers that had been his favourites, all of them stood together under a great big banner that read:
There was a table with cake and refreshments, and a sound system had been set up so the guests could dance to music. He stood staring at them stupidly as they all grinned back at them.
"Happy Birthday, Padawan," Qui-Gon said behind him, startling the youth badly.
Obi-Wan's mouth worked a few times before he finally stammered, "Th-thank you."
Hm. I suppose that birthdays aren't so bad after all...