(no subject)

Feb 26, 2006 18:31

looks familiar..
200. My name is: Mark
199. I was born on: September 5th
198. I am a: Boy
197. My hair color is: depends
196. My eye color is: green
195. My shoe size is: 11 1/2
194. My ring size is: idk?
192. My height is: 5'7ish
191. I am allergic to: sulfa
190. I live in: wise
189. The last three books ya read:idon't beleive i've read 3 books in my life lol
188. My bed is: great
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: confusing
186. I am glad I'm my sex because: ima guy
184. My Best friends are: too many lol
181. Three things I can never resist are: resses,dr. pepper, and idk what else lol
179. My favorite pajamas are: old school, plaid pj's
178. A perfect kiss is: tell ya later ;)
177. The last three CDs I bought are: 3doors down, sevendust, pinkfloyd
176. Last song that made me cry was: don't think that's ever happened
173. I could not live without: friends .. family
172. My most treasured possession is: guitars
170. What did you do last night: chilled in kingsport till bout 12 then came to blakes and went to bed
169. The funniest quote I know is: 'a woman has a baby every seven seconds, we must find this woman and stop her!'
168. The quote that sums it all up for me is: don't make one lol
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): i burn

-I Do/Do Not Believe in-
142. Love at first sight? maybe?
141. Luck? sometimes
140. Fate? sure
139. God? yea
138. Aliens? nope
137. Heaven? yea
136. Hell? yea
135. Ghosts? not sure?
134. Horoscopes? nope
133. Soul Mates? yea

-Which is Better?-
129. Hugs or Kisses: kisses
128. Drunk or High: high lol
127. Phone or Online: rather be on the phone .. but usually online
126. with/without Hats: with
125. Blondes or Brunettes: not about hair color
122. Boys/Girls with/without Facial Hair: without.. i hope
120. Night or Day: night
119. Oranges or Apples: oranges
118. Curly or Straight hair: curly

-Here's What I Think About... -
116. Abortion? not right
115. Backstabbers? eww
110. School? hate it most the time

-last time i...-
105. Took a Shower: bout 3 hours ago
104. Talked on the phone: this morning icalled my mommy
103. Kissed someone: 9 days lol
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: not sure
100. Drove: today
95. Grew: no idear
91. I always ask: that doesnt have to do with "the last time i..."
90. The ditziest person I know is: not sure?
89. The one person who makes me laugh the most is: everyone
88. Which celebrity or famous person are you in love with? Oprah j/p
87. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: humm i wonder?
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: saw 2?
82. The thing I don’t understand is: women lol
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: maybe
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: they're beautiful lol
78. This week I am: moving i think?
77. This Summer vacation I am: daytona bound
76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: that'sa hard one lol
-The thing that I'm looking forward to the most about...-
73. Tomorrow: Meisha's b-day .. HAPPY B-DAY!
72. Today: sleep
71. Next Summer: freedom
70. Next Week: see how things go
67. People calling me: my troubled cracker
66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is: hardly ever do
65. The person I had the longest relationship with: andrea
64. The person I have been friends with the longest is: britt
62. The person who knows the most about me is: Meisha prolly .. i mean we do share a brain lol

61. The person who can read me the best is: momma
60. The most difficult thing to do is: Think
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket? haven't
58. I have the following siblings: Whitney
57. My favorite people are: yall know who ya are
56. My zodiac sign is: virgo i think?
55. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is: britt
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: idk?
52. the person I find myself spilling my guts to is: MeishaBrooke
50. Right now I am talking to: MeishaBrooke lol
48. I have a job at: jjk high
47. I have these pets: titan, andre
46. I wish I was: kewler
45. The worst sound in the world is? aluminum foil .. ahh it hurts my teeth
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: no one i don't reckon
43. The best shoulder to cry on is: my own lol
41. I almost died when: train tracks =O
39. My boy/girlfriend is: nobody
34. My favorite state? Flordia
33. My favorite piece of clothing is: polkadotted underwear lol
32. My favorite sport to play is: FOOTBALL
30. The last time I cried was: a while
29. What am wearing right now is: Miller High Life Hat, American eagle shirt, Union Bay pants, plaid boxersm shoes and socks lol
28. The school I went/go to is: jjk
27. The last person I pissed off was: mom
26. My worst drinking experience was: bout a month ago lol
24. The last movie I watched was: Sin City
22. The all-time best movie is: Friday
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Can't tell ya
19. The most annoying thing ever is: not sure
17. I lose all respect for people who: lead ppl on
16. The movies I have cried at are: bambi lol
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: not sure
10. My favorite phrases: idk?
9. My room is full of: pictures
8. My favorite celebrity is: sponge bob
7. My favorite cliché is?: no idear
6. My downfall is?: ???
5. My weakness is?: woman gahh

4. What turns me on is? whispering lol
3. I want this to end because? TOO LONG lol
2. I filled out 200 questions because? Boredom

my mind
1. Was it fun?: it was allright
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