Changed my profile, to make it easier for me to keep it up to date. Not sure if I'll change the stock picture to a more fannish one, because it's so purty.
It felt rushed. And I hatehatehate how Roy losing his eyesight wasn't explained at all. Ed exclaims that it doesn't make sense, and that's it. Way to make it look like she just wanted to get rid of Roy for the final battle so that Ed could do the final fight alone. Yawn. Boo. Hiss.
I'm glad I wasn't invested anymore. That would have been a serious let down otherwise. Maaaaaaaan, Naruto's ending (IF IT EVER ENDS THAT IS, LOL) is going to suck even more. Can't wait for the wank, personally.
How I want it to happen: Sasuke and Naruto have an epic battle, both die sappily, and Sakura ends up as the next Kage and has a sweet and awkward relationship with Lee.