NNWM 2007

Sep 03, 2007 11:28

So I have been planning my National Novel Writing Month 2007 effort (and furtively writing notes on it at work, thankyou Alt+Tab). This year looks promising: previously I've had school all day and school stuff to do all night (regardless of whether that largely consisted of drawing in the margins and playing minesweeper, it was still time-consuming); but now I have work all day but no concrete stuff to do all night. Of course there are always things to get done, including various projects I'm working on, but none of them are due next Monday, and besides, it's only for a month. So I should be able to set aside chunks of time.

Also pleasing is that my work involves checking my email about 1000 times a day, so I can send off bits to myself at home all day. No icky transcribing from handwriting, which is such a waste of time (at school I would write through class and have to type it all up at night). So this year looks like it might be a winning one. Now I just need to think out the novel itself some more (I'm a ruthless, chapter-by-chapter planner; I need that security of having worked out my patterns and causes and character traits before I can start writing comfortably).

work, nnwm, writing, prose

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