Jun 30, 2009 21:13
So, as the fleet knows, I've been relieved as R6 RC. I won't say too much on the subject. Here is what I posted to the R6 list and the R6Command lists:
Greetings everyone,
Just thought I’d give you a quick update on recent events in Starfleet, including my own removal as RC of R6.
The first bit of news is an update in the tax status of the Region. Recently, the CFO advised the ECAB of a change in IRS law that forced Starfleet to become responsible for the finances of the various regions. As a result of that new responsibility, the Regions were required to submit a copy of our Federal Employer Information Number (EIN) as well as a “Group Letter” requesting the Region’s inclusion in SFI’s 501 (c) 3 Non Profit status. We now, as a region are included in the Fleet’s Federal Non Profit status.
Now, as some of you, who are subscribed to the Fleet List are aware, FADM Lizard ordered my removal as Region 6 Coordinator. He cites the section of the Fleet Constitution that indicates that if a RC is late on two of their Regional Reports in a 12 month period, he is authorized to remove that officer. According to his records, I failed to report for the months of January, March, April and May of 2009. This is where there is a difference in accounts. I filed reports for all of those months, sent from my primary hotmail account to Sal’s cs@sfi.org account and the ops@sfi.org account. Now, when I send the reports, I send them through Outlook 2007, which saves a copy of the message to a set of personal folders and not on the hotmail web account. What was unknown until much later (and can be verified by the Chief of Computer Operations) was that hotmail and the SFI Web hosting company, Dreamhost were not communicating properly. Thus my emails to them and vice versa were not being received properly. In the interim, about 5 weeks ago, the hard drive on my PC failed (specifically the CPU fan which then overheated the hard drive and causing a thermal failure of the drive *repair order available for review upon request*). When I got my laptop back from the shop, it was just in time for our family vacation to Florida. On my first night there, FADM Lizard called and advised me of his failure to receive my reports. I indicated to him that I would send the reports to his sal@sallizard.com email address as soon as I got home. While I didn’t have any of the reports on my hard drive due to the previous failure and replacement of the drive, I knew that I could retrieve them from a backup that I had made when it appeared that my hard drive was failing.
Upon my return to Shakopee, I ran a restore of my data from the backup. To my misfortune, I found that the file containing the personal folders, the outlook.pst file, was not backed up as it should have been. Last Wednesday, the Chief of Staff for the CS, Sam Black contacted me about several subjects, with one of those being the missing reports. I explained the situation to him and advised him that I would recreate the reports and submit them ASAP. It was my intent to do that over the weekend. However, I was on-call for my job last weekend and was called into work both Saturday and Sunday. I never had a chance to recreate the reports as FADM Lizard sent a removal order, via email, to me which I received yesterday evening. Yes, the Fleet in general knew about my removal before I did as I never received a verbal notification of the removal.
So, what does that mean? Right now, COMM Tom Webster is acting as the Interim RC. I have been in contact with FADM Lizard and have asked him to reconsider his order. I should know within 24 hours what his decision is. I have also stated that I will, upon reinstatement, recreate the missing reports at the earliest possible opportunity. I would urge patience during this time, though I would also ask you to contact the CS and ask him to reconsider his decision.
In service to the Fleet,
Admiral Michael Urvand
Flag Commander, USS Imperium NCC-2125
mikeurvand@hotmail.com for personal emails