Some news…

Mar 16, 2013 17:32

1.  Good news
     Father loves his son!

2.  Weird news
     A right-wing discussion-group concerned with counteracting people calling them out on their racist behaviors turns even weirder when an apologist for slavery joins in the conversation.  These right-wing people, who deliberately misrepresent themselves as conservative, are weirdos in the first place, but this fracas presents them at their most realistic.

Wanna know why men have beards?  The pseudo-prestigious Wall Street Journal gets it wrong!  WSJ has always been off-center, but Murdock has made it weird! 
     The best part of this story is the idea one can wear a beard, that one can put it on, and take it off.  Somebody went off the rails a few miles back, coming up with that idea!

You know…  Snakes on a Plane, Roaches on a Bus, whatever!

3.  You knew it! news
     Neil Barofsky was at the very center of the U.S. government's response to the 2008 economic collapse.  Here is a little bit about his book.

4.  Bad news
     Spyware-industrial strength spyware-has been discovered in computer systems around the world, including the USA
     Part of the reason is Obama Plans For Spy Agencies To Have Total Access To American’s Financial Information.  Obama is mostly just a continuation of Dubya, with a little Band-Aid®ing along the way. 
     And this:  Murdering foreign leaders so that our rich can collect more profits!

Anyhow, reading all this should keep you off the streets for a quarter hour or so! 
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