Feb 08, 2005 16:13
pretty bad day...science was boring..and it jsut is retarded..then gym was the worst..we ran teh beep test today..i actaully finished the whole test..and almost passed out...then mr fleagle's english class came around the corner..i wasnt feeling so well at all in that class..baumhoer and tj took the laces out of my gym shoes and were throwing them around...but talkin to jess helped me feel somewhat better...had a math test...absically failed it cause i couldnt think...think Bible were i slept half the class...lunch was the best time of the day today..we flung food at this one upperclassmen who was playing games on his laptop...we shot the crust off of some grilled cheese..and it landed right on the keyboard of his laptop..it was funny...then he got up and came over like he was all big and bad..he dropped the crust on the table,a nd walked away..that was the best part of the day..ebner just sux..his class is like science cept we can make personal attacks at mr ebenr and he usually doesnt care...spanish was ok i guess...didnt really do anything except for translate a bunch of pages and take a quiz...and while all this was goin on i had one song stuck in my head the whole frikin day..actually not the song just like 3 words to a song...i had I walk alone stuck inmy head the whole lovely day..wow this was a perfect day...
I walk alone........