New Prison Break Vid: Fix You by Coldplay

Jan 21, 2007 19:35

Since my mouse and keyboard are mysteriously working again, I decided to celebrate by spamming my flist. I know there aren't many Prison Break fans in my loop, but here's another PB vid any way. I am determined to pimp you. :P

Vid Title/Song: Fix You
Artist: Coldplay
Vidder: Chat Noir

Link: Fix You

Characters: Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi
Genre: character study, drama, angst
Ratings and warnings: PG-13 for drug use
Spoilers: through season 2.10 Rendezvous

Feedback and concrit: Is always welcome. Sithlawyer [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

Summary: Sara's life has been completely shattered by her connection to Michael. Is Michael's desire to put right what he has destroyed strong enough to heal someone whose wounds are still so fresh? Michael/Sara

V/N: Thanks to sarah_scribbles and thefannishwaldo for beta assistance.

PLEASE NOTE BEFORE VIEWING: Imeem has an auto-play function that starts the vid the moment you click on the link. However, this may cause stuttered playback. So for best viewing, when you go to the link, pause the vid immediately and then view it once the light gray scroll bar shows it has completely loaded.
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