Apr 17, 2007 14:09
My oldest and I went to the Guthrie last Sat. to see the Merchant of Venice. We bought rush tickets for $15 a piece and sat in $47 seats. S is beginning to realize how you can enjoy the city on the cheap. Great show, it gave us lots to talk about on the way home. Our conversations wander freely and we were soon on the holocaust. S is still trying to figure out how they couldn't fight back. I told him about the one concentration camp escape that did occur and about the 2 year battle in the Warsaw ghetto. That led to the genocide of the Native Americans, the Huttus, Darfor, Jonestown and ended up with school shootings. He feels he would try to find a way to take out the shooter, tackling, throwing things at his head (it's always a male shooter isn't it?), etc. I know he won't have to face this situation. Shootings are rare. Car accidents are more common so I concentrate on teaching him safe driving skills. My heart goes out to the families involved in the Virgina Tech killings. No one should have to deal with this insanity. It should not happen but it does. And now I wonder if I should have taught S to stay on the attack in chess, "Even when you're under attack," I'd say, "Always find a way to keep attacking."