Spider-Man 3? (spoilers...maybe)

May 05, 2007 06:16

Not too bad if I say so myself. The movie showcases some decent acting skills. I haven't seen Kirsten Dunst act that well since Interview with a Vampire. Topher Grace looks way more manly than on that 70's show and I hear he gained 20lbs of muscle just for this role...which wasn't that bad. Although since it was a THREE HOUR MOVIE!!! his incredible amount of anger (Eddie Brocks anger towards Parker) isn't really justified although they do a really good job of making it justified. Personally, I'd just tell Eddie to deal and move on.

THis is the third most expensive film EVER! Why? Because the fight scenes are so awesome this movie is redonculous! thats RE-DONC-U-LOUS! The fights without powers lended towards high school discrepencies butthe movie played off the characters pasts well. I would suggesst seeing it just for the awesomeness of the fight scenes. Also, Venoms mouth doesn't open 6 feet like I was hoping but its pretty big. Hes also almost all CGI and so is Sandman, but they make it hard to tell....really good job of covering those zippers to bring believeability.

All in all its  great movie, lots of twists and turns, romance and anger. And Kirsten Dunst sings!!!!!!!!!q!!!1!! She was acctually decent, though I hope she doesn't start a singing career

SPoilers end here.
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