I've Been Bitten by the Crafty Bug!

Dec 15, 2009 23:21

So I've got a lovely cat in my lap. She is purring and she is content--Ooh no, she's fascinated by the keys.

She hears it. The drumming. The constant drumming.

Still not sure when I'm going to back to school. But I do know Aero isn't going to call me back to work another shift. Not that I was ever waiting by the phone. I only have at most three weeks left. I find looking for a job now kind of pointless. But I want to feel slightly productive this break. I have been looking at scholarships though.

But ohmyfuckingIdon'tevenknow. I've been consumed by crafts. Of all shapes and sizes. I've got a lot of projects I want to finish, or at least begin, before I go back to school. For sake of organization:

Cat scarf 0%
Tardis scarf? [ May not do ]
Special scarf [ 83 It's a secret! ]

Painting: Mom's box 40 %
Stenciled Jackalope shirt 75 %
Stenciled Mario shirt 0 %
Stenciled Who and or Scarecrow shirts? 0%
Record Bowl: 100 %
Magneto Birdhouse: 100 % [ Will post pics eventually ]
Lupin! Journal/ letters: 70 % done [ Christmas gift for a friend ].

doctor who, craft, balls i've got a headache, the druming the druming!!!!!, kitty

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