Okay, fine. Everyone else did this and I said I wouldn't but I'm being driven to distraction by the pup. So, without futher ado...
Claim an Obi-Wan. You know you want to. Pairings optional.
The Sith and The Senator darksithsenatorMaster!Obi
Bantling sen_amidalaFlying!Obi
Anakin Did What?
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The black eye she sported from where he hit her had blossomed beautifully. He made a mental note to see that it remained for a good, long while. Her hair was still neat and tidy, but that would soon change. He looked forward to the fear in her eyes and the wild look that would come from what he had planned for her.
He cradled the leather whip in his hands lovingly before letting it unfurl. He very gently drew the tail around her neck, watching as it snaked around and over her flesh in a lover’s caress.
She did not stir.
It was time to wake his new pet up. His lips curled in a diabolical smile as he moved to stand behind her.
"Oh, Padme, dearest. It’s time to wake up," he whispered. And with a snap, the whip lashed across her back, jarring the young Senator from her slumber. A second lash wrenched a cry of pain and surprise from her luscious, full lips.
As the sound rang between them, Obi-Wan Kenobi laughed in pleasure, the sound punctuated only by the screams and the snap of the whip against the tender flesh of his prisoner.
Love it baby!!!
But you knew that already. *bg*
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