Sep 14, 2002 08:48
hey people! its mmmeeeee...yeah anyways...i cant remember when i last updated...haha yes i can but u all say that, but yeah...this week was bad, i died on 2 tests but its the weekend so i dont really care...yesterday, dearest stevenson football was once again stomped on, this time by sterling heights...yeah, we suck pretty much, its very depressing...and also, the cheerleaders need to *please* go away, thank u! then we had applebees and ashleys house, our friday favorite! so soon i have to go to flint for soccer, i believe we will win...then off to shopping (blah) then perhaps to mikes for float then possible to movies...omg i just checked blackboard and arscheene didnt give us physics homework on friday! this is amazing! he always gives us homework on test days..but whatever...ok guys i REALLY need to do my college problemo cameron..haha i kill myself...i dont even know where i want to apply! this is so bad...errr...i hate making decisions...yeah another decision to make, should i get out of AP gov? assuming i still CAN...well i just dont know anything so i think im gunna go get ready for soccer or something, THAT i can do...ciao4now ppl