
Nov 15, 2005 01:48

I’m feeling a bit more introspective today. Maybe this entry will have more substance than my usual blithe entries. So, stop now if you don't give a damn about the ramblings of a mind lost, but if you're interested, proceed.

Preferably with caution.

There’s Something About Mari
The problem is me, I think. I’m emotionally detached when it comes to people. Yes, I’m very friendly; smiling constantly, so much so that my muscular cheeks have become a formidable force to reckon with. I can put you at ease, make you laugh occasionally, either at me or with me. Mostly the former. (Hah! Look at this idiot! Next to her, I look good.) I can never get close to you, though. One day, we could be having the time of our lives; come tomorrow, I could be gone and you might never hear another word from me again. So, my apologies to anyone who’s suffered my supposed nonchalance (because I do care). It’s not you… it’s me. No, honestly.

what's the ninja thinking right now?

Wilma, you bitch!
So, I met Wilma; didn‘t really think much of her. Honestly, she was kind of a bitch. And true to the Bitch’s Code of Conduct, she showed up with her fuck-all ‘tude then left. On a good note, though, she brought us all non-bitches closer together because for a while, there was no cathode ray tube with which to commune and each other was all we had.   Aw.

Life’s a bitch, but it’s got its charms.

*shed is blown viciously apart by 110mph winds*
Mama: Oh no! My Christmas decorations! Oh no! I collect for ten years! Mari-chan..!
Mari: Shit. *runs out as fast as she can to retrieve ten years worth of Christmas decorations; runs back even faster, heavily laden as she was*
Mama: Oh good! Thanks, Ma-chan! I was so afraid I was going to rose. Ten years, Ma-chan, ten! I’m so glad I didn’t rose…
Mari: *blink* . . . .  *ponders Mother's reaction if errant limb of Big Tree had ended eldest child's life prematurely*

outside my house

part of the shed that "blew up"

before the storm Tod, modern day Noah, prepares a raft and is ridiculed (the hand you see on the right was responsible for throwing a rock in Tod/Noah's direction)

taking residence in a downed truck

one could get used to eating like this

Also, FOX sucks. What the hell were the execs thinking when they decided to cancel one of the greatest gorram TV shows to have ever graced its network? A show that had substance and intelligence; a great script with lots of witty repartee and… expletives in Chinese; brilliantly thought-out characters with distinctive personalities; a show that went beyond titillating us with Hollywood's dynamic duo Sex and Violence, a show that--

. . . well, fuck me. That’s it, isn’t it? Any show that stretches the viewer's imagination a bit and boldly strays from shoddy mainstream tripe into the realm of thought and more thought (but pretty interesting thoughts) simply does not get viewers a-hankering to see the next episode. This is the era of vapid, mind-numbing reality TV focused on petty people with petty problems; you give the viewers philosophy and their eyes go glassy.

Dear Society, you suck balls.

A Browncoat Conversion. . .
I went to the theaters with no idea of what movie I was going to watch. Being somewhat of a sci-fi fan, I saw that Serenity was playing and thought, ‘Why the hell not? Everything else looks like crap’ (even though Serenity looked like crap as well, but it was sci-fi crap) and bought myself a ticket for the 3:30p showing. I walked in there not expecting much (the previews kind of, well, sucked) and was completely taken by surprise. The cheesy trailers and promotional posters simply do not do this movie any justice. The party that was in charge of promoting this movie…you’re all fired, get the fuck out.

The strongest aspect of this movie was no doubt its characters. None of them seemed contrived; none of them seemed like what they essentially were: actors. Real good chemistry; casting was brilliant -- no-names, too, all of them -- to shame all you well-known crap actors! Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, Cheeto Ejiogoofur (Chiwetel Ejiofor?), etc.,  you all get Mari’s Equivalent of an Oscar Award (more estimable, for sure). The people they were portraying were real; they just had one galactic-sized problem up their collective ass, so to speak.  And real cool spaceships.

For all you anime fans out there because I know I have quite a few in my flist, this movie/series can be best compared to Cowboy Bebop: philosophical, retro-futuristic sci-fi with an engaging crew of the criminally inclined. Best sci-fi movie ever… even better than S_AR W_RS.

Please, for my Christmas present, just buy me multiple copies of the Serenity DVD or multiple copies of the TV series Firefly. The actors are signed up for a trilogy, but if the DVDs don’t sell well, it’s good-bye and that means I’m going to shit my pants and cry like a baby.

… And as Mr. Castanza so eloquently puts it: [buy] SERENITY NOW!

Yes, I know. There’s quite a few of you waiting for the next installment of my fic. Quite a few. Numbering the thousands, actually.  It's crazy.  I’m currently, as of right now, working on chapter three.

Maybe I should start updating this thing more frequently.

Also, to explain my absence because this time the excuse is legitimate (not to remove credibility from any previous excuses): I had no electricity until now.

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