
Nov 24, 2008 13:44

   So today I got a few friends [all guys by the way] of mine to watch something with NEWS in it, and they all liked Massu, Koyama and Ryo. They said that Tegoshi scared them, but was hilarious, they thought Shige was funny too. They found Yamapi weird, but weird. (laughs) After they watched that they decided they wanted to see more stuff with them in it so we wacthed more stuff and during one of the videos two of them yelled "Oh my god!! Bre!! You're JUST like Massu and Ryo!!" *we all look at them and then the guys burst out laughing, all agreeing with those two*  
   That was like an hour ago. (laughs)
Now they're watching some KAT-TUN videos. They think Kame and Ueda look too girly [a couple of them thought that Uepi was a girl at first and said that he was hot XD] They like Koki, Maru and Jin the best~


I'm still working on that fic. It should be done soon....hopefully.

rl, tegoshi, massu, shige, nishikido ryo, ueda, news, kat-tun, koyama keiichiro, koki, random

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