Just me~

Oct 28, 2008 21:44

     So I have come to the conclusion that everything hates me........

My reasoning behind this would be the fact that glass, cupboards,straighteners, pots & pans, ipod, cell phone, glasses, head phones, chairs, shoes, paper, remotes, ear rings, and a bunch of other things hate me.

In the past couple months I have been cut, bruised, and even broken a toe, from glass.
hit in the head, cut and pulled back a nail, by cupboards. Burnt myself on my straightener or it shuts off on me when I am using it.
I have gotten burned from pots and pans when they weren't even on the stove or I have been hit with them or they fell on my feet.
My ipod is dying on me. It used to be able to fit over 12,000 songs with some movies on it. Now it can barely fit 2,000 songs and one movie....
My cell phone keeps freezing on me. It took about it an hour to get back to normal one time.
My head phones strangle me in my sleep when they aren't even by my head when I go to sleep.
My shoes cut my feet and peeled off some skin, which is healed now~! yay!
I keep getting paper cuts.
I have gotten hit with remotes a few times and I have no idea how those incidents happened...
My earrings fell out of my ears. One time, a few years ago, one went right through my ear and was stuck in it. It hurt so much!

That's enough ranting about that for now~



OMG!!! I watched the SCP with Ueda on it and he was SO CUTE!!!
Kokubun was cute too.
I love Ueda's laughs, his smile, him boxing, his voice, his phases, skd;askcnaslkn I love everything about him!!

I love what Kokubun says he wants Ueda to do at the end. He wanted him to go back to his "I see fairies" phase and while they, KAT-TUN, are doing a concert, make them stop the music and say he can see a fairy. He's such a dork.

OMG! Someone called my phone tonight and it came up as "restricted" so I answered it. It turns out that it was some guy named Abdi. He started talking about how he just broke up with his girlfriend and that he wanted to tell me that. By the way, I don't even know this person. So I said I had to go and hung up on him. A couple minutes later my phone rings again but it's a number that looked familiar, so I answered it. It's the same guy!!!!  WTF?!!  It fuckin creeped me out!!!

One of my dogs did something really cute today~! He was following me around the house and then I went into the kitchen and he stopped right before it. I looked back at him and he was just sitting there, then he layed down and started crawling into the kitchen. Once I left, he was still following me, right when we stepped out of the kitchen he started walking again. It was so cute~!!
Now he's sleeping with his head on my shoulder and his nose is tickling my neck. (laughs)

GAH! Before I forget, I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find Shounentai's ROMANTIC TIME. I have been looking for a while now and have come up with nothing.

maa~ I think that's it.......for now huhuhu~

I NEED to say this because..........just because!!
I'm talking about the musical with Toma & Yaracchi by the way~

I just fell down the stairs.......... I'm bleeding and my hand is throbbing................and my ass hurts.

OMG! I just got another call from a restricted number and it was some guy but he sounded like the crazy lady from Lakeville at the McCain rally!! I swear one of my friends is prank calling me or something!!

K so I am going to attempt to write a fic but I need some ideas. Any suggestions?

Maa~ now I'm finished~

request, toma, yara, random, rant

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