itai~ >-

Oct 14, 2008 10:23

So I was watching the Summary 2004 backstage video through my ps3 today, cos' it was 8 o'clock and I had nothing better to do. (laughs)
Anyways, my mom started watching it with me and then started getting mad, jokingly, saying I was distracting her from getting ready. After about half way though it she finally decided she needed to start getting ready again (yes she stayed that long, she kept on making me rewind it too cos' she wanted to see Kusano)As she was leaving the room she turns to me and says "y'know what? On day you're going to go to Japan and see these men, get married to one of them and have a bunch of kids and a nice house or something." At that point I had to laugh cos' she has never said anything like that to me before. XD

She watches Maou with me now~! So does my sister XD  and soon My sister's kid will watch it.... well not soon, more like a few years since it's not even born yet, but......yeah~~~ (laughs)
      btw Maou on a big screen TV is pure win~!!!! It's so much better than watching it on a computer~

I was cleaning my kitchen today and a really heavy glass object fell on my foot, my pinky toe and the area around it are swollen.... it looks funny.
When i told my mom that that had happened all she said was "Did the glass break?". All I could say to her was "My foot caught it in time.."
My dogs keep on stepping and jummping on that part of my foot too~ It's like they know it hurts like hell or something ne~ Seriously though, when my puppy was standing on a curb when I was taking him outside, he was looking at my foot ( it at least seemed like he was) and then he jumped right on my toe that got hurt.  My dogs are evil~!!

maa~ I'm watching the Pacific tour now and trying to figure out some things.

That's all I have to say for now~
Jya ne ^-^)/

random, rant

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